Saturday, March 3, 2012

Does deus ex human revolution contain in game ads?

Bear in mind I am asking about the XBOX 360 edition.Does deus ex human revolution contain in game ads?
Only fictional ones, I believe.Does deus ex human revolution contain in game ads?
In game ads? As in midway through playing "Frosties, theyyyyyyyy're GREAT!"?

To my knowledge no. I mean you do get fake advertisements popping up for stuff in the game world, mainly augmentations. But no, there are no conventional ads, to my knowledge there isnt even any real world labels in the game. Iv seen fake beer brands pop up here and there but other than that, nothing.Does deus ex human revolution contain in game ads?
Yes. Or at least it will. They promised to make it work in-universe, which I think would be a nice touch to the immersion (if pulled off correctly) seeing as it's set in OUR future.

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